Why it is important to conserve energy - in Malaysia context.

Here are the biggest reasons why it is important to be energy-conscious and make every effort to conserve our electricity. Conservation can save money where fossil fuels are not a clean source of energy either. Conservation of electrical energy can help to lessen pollution and reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. In Malaysia, there are legal requirement for Efficient Management of Electrical Energy Regulations 2008 – MEPS GreenTech Malaysia and the Sustainable Development Policy.

Government of Malaysia also drives for energy management - Malaysia commitment to reduce intensity of Greenhouse Gas (GHG). According to Former Prime Minister of Malaysia, “It is my dream that one day we can live in a clean, healthy and high-quality environment, where cities, townships and communities are built on the fundamentals of Green Technology” said Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Razak at United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP15) held at Copenhagen in 2009. It is a commitment to reduce carbon emissions by up to 40% of the country's gross domestic product (GDP) growth by 2020 compared to 2005 levels.

Energy management service will help to; 

Reduce cost: With rocketing rates of power, such energy management equipment is high demand of the time. The selected system must have enough arrangements and monitoring features to cut the cost by adequate power saving and fault detection. 

Reduce risk: The selected system must be predictive to indicate opportunities of power saving by reducing the demand power and to reduce the risk of power shortage. 

Reduce carbon emission: Apart from being able to conserve energy, the system must also be eco-friendly. Being eco-friendly is not only important to have a green image but it can also save further cost involving carbon taxes and managing carbon footprint.

Noremy Sollahudin, Energy Engineer of HARTA
According to Noremy Sollahuddin, Energy Engineer at HARTA, “Effective energy management becomes more important than ever before – it involves practices such as metering and taking all possible opportunities to save energy. With typical energy consumption comprising more than 50 to 60 percent of operation costs, especially the industrial operation, shopping mall and hospital, it is essential for facilities management to be at the forefront”.

He stated that HARTA manage energy for over 40 government hospitals in Malaysia. “We manage these hospitals energy management. Even in the first year, we managed to save up around 1mil electric bills of the hospital. This is a big number to play with and we are keen to help more organization and not just hospital”. HARTA Energy management service promise Energy Management Gold Standard (EMGS) based on the ratings to make sure the program run smoothly and ensure the successful Energy Management, he added.

Noremy strongly agrees that the energy management industry in Malaysia especially, faces numerous challenges, such as a lack of value appreciation, limited availability of products, and return on investment taking too long. But there are also many businesses have set dynamic strategic direction to achieve immediate reduction in energy consumption. In Malaysia, employer and employee are aware of the positive impact of energy savings and the business benefits they can bring.

To HARTA, by offering energy management services to the building owner - though it seems not entitle as big issue but it is a cost-efficient and a promising saving for a company. A business drive will intent to saving the energy and develop the initiative to “going green” because they want to reduce the cost that they must bear yearly and monthly.

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